CDIAM The shadow of the almighty



We are glorious church born with the mandate to be a global ark of rescue for a messianic rebirth of a generation of glory through preaching the message of light.


1. It is the dream of a place where the hurting, the depressed, the frustrated, the abandoned and the confused can find acceptance and refuge.


2. Is the dream of Declaring the glory of God across the globe, and making sure the world come to the knowledge of God.


3. it is the dream of sharing the value of the gospel, through establishing of educational systems and organizing conference, seminars in cities in accordance with our purpose.


4. It is the dream of equipping every believers for a significant ministry by helping them discover the gift and talents God has given to them.


5. It is the dream of sending missionaries and church workers to all round the world, empowering every member for a personal life mission in the world and for the restoration of human destiny and dignity and making every member in our commission filled with the evident of power to save, heal, enjoy refuge and lifting people everywhere they are found – Isaiah 27:6, Isaiah 61:28.


6. Is the dream of welcoming thousands of members into the fellowship of our church family – Loving, sharing, learning and living in harmony.



7. It is the dreams of establishing revivals for the woman and her seed Genesis 3:15, Revelation 12:1, Isaiah 58:9 to 12.


A City Of Refuge

The church of Christ is a city of refuge for all generations.

As it is written; “But upon mount zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be  holiness; and the house of jcobshall possess their possessions.” – Oba 1:17 

We also understand from scripture, that the word Zion in the Old Testament is a type of the church of Christ in the New Testament.

“For  the Lord hath chosen Zion; he hath desired it for his habitation. This is my rest for ever: here will i dwell; for i have desired it. i will abundantly bless her provision: i will satisfy her poor with bread.” Ps 132:13-15

Zion is God’s dwelling place, just as the church of Christ is described as the city of the Livming God.

It is written: “But ye are come unto mount Zion , and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, Tothe general assembly and church of nthe firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to Godthe judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect, And to Jesusthe mediator of the new convenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel”. Heb. 12:22-24, isaiah 4:4-5 

But what is it that makes the difference in this church?

it is the presence of the Almighty God in the midst of the people that makes the difference. “The  Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.” Zeph. 3:17

What makes God's Presence So Strong Here At CDIAM INTERNATIONAL:

I keep visiting heaven for a meeting, and each time we appear before the throne of light, I keep asking myself why I am always here, until My 4th visit to heaven in 2013 by the leading of the spirit. We led the throne again, for another meeting, this time the meeting  becomes more clearer, when I say heaven, I know what I am saying, how do I know, am always aware of the transition, when appear in heaven I am conscious of where I am, I know I just left the earth and that the earth below, is a beautiful place, but the focus each time is the meeting before the throne. Before the throne is beautiful but with different creatures I saw wings and non wing angels, I saw enlightened throne, full of light, when i behold the throne, is like someone is in the midst therefore, as I look harder, it changes to mass of light.

What I noticed for each visit

1. I saw Enlightened throne
2. Angels both wings and non wings
3. One seat on it, which is not visible, which the Angel addresses as the enlightened
4. great men, who occupied seat before the throne I notice some people I also know, men like Chris oyeklome, David Oyedepo, Mathew Ashimolowo, Chris Christian etc this men where having scrolls on their hands,
5. Another set of pastors having the Bible in their hands but were standing


*I noticed I was the only female in their midst

*Why this constant visitation I am always coming to do around the throne of light,

*Why do men seated possess a scroll

*Why others set, are standing, this was all the questions burdening me in the midst of the meeting.

What is the meeting all about

The men who are seated has scrolls in their hands if you remember, and I saw the angel standing beside the throne, taking the scroll from them one after the other, and turn back to the throne, face the throne and say, the enlightened one, this is the scroll of so so man then move to his position beside the throne, there is a big book called the book of life, the angel opens the book and compares scrolls with the book of life, if there is error or mistakes he will, screams then announce it to the enlightened one, and move to the next, I also noticed the angel was approaching toward those standing, you may be asking where was I in all of this thing, I was among those standing and the only woman as well.
Something else happened, the angel came to a particular man of God which I will not want to mention here, pick his scroll did the same with others, and there was silence in heaven, and because of that we were given another break, and this break kept happening, each time I appeared there, as I wonder and ponder what this are, an angel spoke with me.

1. It is time to start that ministry for there no time
2. I asked what kind of ministry he said the Shadow of the Almighty
3. I am your chariot of your destiny, when you are ready I will be there
4. He said again you have many questions you are seeking for answer and I said yes

5. What is the content of the scroll? I said yes, he said the scroll contains the activity of men with God on the earth,

6. You ask why are some seated and other standing I said yes and he said, those who are seated are men who have discovered their destiny and they are living it on the earth

7. You also asked why the other set of men standing, I said yes he said this is a religious set of people on earth, they move around with Bible on their hands but have not discovered what they are called to be on the earth, and he said the bible is a manual that help me discover who they are born to be.
8. You also asked why am I the only female, I said yes and he said that, women shut themselves out of the throne, I never stop them from the scroll of destiny.

9. He then concluded by saying go and tell them all you have heard.